Tag: Possession

Peppered with deadpan comedy, Agnes is a film of two halves that examines faith, loss, and what it truly means to be possessed.

The Exorcism of God
Creepy set pieces compound sequences that build to crescendo and do not relent, while quiet moments offer little solace.

With an allegory that seethes on its underbelly, Amulet is a disturbing and enigmatic picture that reflects a strikingly bleak view.

FrightFest: Wither
An entertaining if not very original demonic possession slash zombie gorefest that, at the very least, showcases energy and zest.

The Night Child
As the epitome of seventies B-movie charm, it boasts the strong elements of enjoyable kitsch that one would hope for.
The Possession
The exorcism makes a refreshing change in not being Bible-based, but this is strictly Hollywood horror by numbers.